joyce (joyce) wrote,

  • Music:
in line with the earlier post...

- buy boxes and packing tape
- take clothes to Lifelong
- take dishes to Lambert
- take books to Lambert or Goodwill
- change addresses with: BCC, LH, Godiva, the Crisis Clinic, BOA, Sprint, Centura, J&L
- start job hunting
- clean out closet(s)
- pack & box up stuff, figure out what's going on Amtrak and what's going on the plane
- bribe/con someone into taking stuff down to Amtrak station
- call Planned Parenthood in Durham and find out what i need to do to get pills filled there; call Aurora Medical Services and get medical records transferred
- the week before, call Group Health, get Levoxyl refilled, pick up
- file change-of-address form
- week before, take back library books, cancel holds

once i get there:

- find a job
- library card
- learner's permit
- change bank account to NC
- Planned Parenthood - pills
- change phone number

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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