joyce (joyce) wrote,

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so, one of the books that i'm having to use for my final paper offers a novel solution to the problem of "social inequality" in our country: give every young adult who graduates high school a stake of $80000. those who don't graduate high school receive a payment of 4000 a year until they do so. those who attend college can raid their money early to pay educational expenses. those who don't can either receive a payment of 20000 every year for four years starting at age 21, or they can leave the money where it lies (invested by the government) until they want to use it.

the money would be raised with a two percent tax on "wealth", with the first 80000 of a person's "wealth" being exempt from the tax.

there's more to it than that - they took a whole book to explain the above - but that's the gist of it. the authors of the proposal believe that if everyone goes to college, then there will be more equality. they also believe that for those who don't attend college, this stake would provide a leg up for a house, more technical training, or things like that. they also believe that this would provide an incentive for those who would not normally finish high school.

i'm holding forth in my paper that this is a bunch of bull. holding a carrot out like this to people, without improving the school systems that graduate people who are functionally illiterate and encourage large portions of the population not to graduate, is just cruel. and i don't think that, as a country, we're ready to handle a culture where everyone is college educated, and so even those who end up working in the service industry expect to make much more than what the current minimum wage is. besides, this book is just obnoxious. for example, it babbles on about how much "rich kids from the suburbs" suck, in pretty much those words. (which is an attitude that i've been guilty of before, but i'm working on.) and it looks down on moms who stay home. i have some other points, too, but i don't feel like cutting and pasting my whole paper in right now. besides, i'm curious about what everyone else thinks.

so... what do you guys think:

Poll #109219 social inequality

do you feel that the stakeholder solution is a good plan for helping to end social inequality in the united states?

maybe (comment)

do you think that the population of the united states is willing to change fundamentals of the structure of our society and culture, in order to provide more social equality?

maybe (comment)

flames will be deleted. if you don't feel that you can discuss a subject like this in public without getting upset ($diety knows i have problems with it sometimes) but want to throw an opinion into the hat, email me. yes, i'm trolling for material for my paper, but (as far as i know) no one is going to see it besides the professor.

thanks! :)

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    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

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    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…