1. damn. locked in a dark room somewhere.
2. "yousuckyousuckyousuck"
3. "hrm... maybe i do suck."
4. "damn. yes, i do suck. a lot."
5. "there, there. you don't suck so bad."
6. "and you will help me not suck?"
7. "verily, i suck, and you will help me fix that."
8. "i am now a non-sucky person in the Group of Non-Suckiness"
here's to hoping that my next class grades on essays, not multiple choice tests.
the real steps, according to our prof, are:
1. assault upon identify / isolation
2. establisment of guilt
3. self-betrayl
4. breaking point
5. leniency of opportunity
6. becoming enrolled
7. final confession
8. new identification
i'm hoping our version is a bit easier to remember tommorow.