joyce (joyce) wrote,

  • Mood:
finally did the underground tour - very, very spiffy. very. :)
lunch at the crab pot. not cheap, but oooh, very good. :)
wandered around downtown and the market and such.
went to go oogle the space needle. forgot about bumbershoot until we got there. whoops.
took the monorail back. went to the gelato place. closed. back to westlake and frozen yogurt, then bus home.
Misty thinks Seattle is spiffy. :)
going to go veg out in front of movies and eventually fix some dinner.

  • (no subject)

    Snort. I was just looking at my thesis, and after all the proofreading and other people proofreading and the fine tooth comb the school put it…

  • (no subject)

    Woot. I've made my formatting corrections (separate from the suggested revisions by my committee; formatting can keep me from graduating) and…

  • more later, but...

    PASSED. Two SUGGESTED but not required revisions. I have signed signature pages in my posession. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! :) :) :)

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