joyce (joyce) wrote,

  • Music:
homemade corn chowder. quiet house. happy girl.

- one medium onion
- 2 small potatoes
- 2 bouilon cubes + 1.5 cups water
- corn cut off of 2 cobs, or canned corn
- milk
- garlic powder and pepper to taste (dear self. fresh garlic would be better.)

start the potatoes nuking. meantime, chop onion and fry it around in some butter. add the corn. add the potatoes once they're soft. nuke the bouilon and water together until dissolved. add. boil until thickened a bit. add milk to desired thickness. boil a bit more. eat. :)

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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