joyce (joyce) wrote,

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friday five:

1. do you live in a house, apartment, or condo? apartment, though it's a townhouse, so it feels like a pint-sized house. it's pretty spiffy.

2. do you rent or own? rent. even if i had the cash, i'm not going to be willing to stay in one place long enough to own for awhile.

3. does anyone else live with you? my wonderful and insane roommates Heather and Ginger, the crack kittens, and a tiny fish named twitch.

4. how many times have you moved?

1977 - 1980 : Weaverville, NC
1980 - 1985 : Jacksonvile, NC
1985 - 1993 : King, NC
summer 1993 : Western Carolina University, for Summer Ventures
1993 - 1994 : Durham, NC, for NCSSM
summer 1994 : home briefly, then to Russia for six weeks (which isn't exactly a move, but still)
1994 - 1995 : back to NCSSM
summer 1995 : home very briefly, then down to Raleigh, NC, to work for Summerbridge. Lived with various homestays.
1995 - 1996 : Raleigh, NC, to go to ncsu. lived Lee Dorm. i was never in my room, because i was always over in Wood for CATT.
summer 1996 : Summerbridge, again. a couple of homestays with different families.
1996 - 1997 : back to State, lived in Wood dorm.
summer 1997 : lived in a two bedroom apartment with my friend Mark and my then boyfriend, George. went to school.
1997 - 1998 : back into the dorm. different room.
1998 - 1999 : moved into a different two bedroom apartment with my friends Mark and Jeni
april 1999 : moved to UT with my then boyfriend, Dan. why? it wasn't NC, and it was with Dan.
sept 1999 : got broken up with, got tired of living with Dan and Misty, moved into a different house with 3 chicks out of the newspaper
may 2000 : moved to Cali. stayed with Dan and Misty. it was supposed to be a temp thing, until i got my own place, but then they broke up and Dan needed a roommate, so i stayed put for awhile.
sept? 2000 : Dan's company moved to San Fran; he and I moved in with his girlfriend to El Cerrito, just north of Berkeley.
jan 2001 : i get tired of a 45 mile drive to work, and move into the cheapest place i can find, an old victorian in downtown San Jose with many crazy roommates, one sane one (Misty), and an ex-hippie, half crooked, "housefather".
july 1, 2001 : having been laid off from terraspring, i move up to Seattle into a teeny, tiny one bedroom in the u-district. 2 month lease, on purpose, so that i can figure out where i really want to live once i know what's up with jobs and stuff.
september 2001 : move into a 3 bedroom duplex in the Central District in Seattle with Ginger and Alison
june 2002 : move into present place


5. weekend plans? tommorow, lunch and Episode 2 at the Cinerama with Chas and Jill and Anjela and Grant. volunteering tommorow night. open house and garden sale at Lambert sunday afternoon.

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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