joyce (joyce) wrote,

  • Mood:
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ok, i have :

- clothes: underwear, 2 pairs of pants, 2 skirts, shirts of varying dressiness, lots of underwear, one pair of shorts packed, one worn. something in all of that should be church suitable. (come to think of it, if it's good enough to wear to my sisters' graduations, then it damned well better be good enough for church) (yes, i got guilted into agreeing to go to church one time. no, i don't like it. no, it wasn't worth the hassle to fight about it. there was a "discussion" to get it down to one Sunday)
- books
- discman, cds. discman has batteries. headphones.
- meds : thyroid, vitamins, birth control, anti-inflamatories, ace bandage. i'm going to go over to Group Health real soon now and pick up next month's BC
- phone, charger
- copy of E-ticket
- emergency phone numbers
- keys, wallet, checkbook, purse
- chapstick
- jewelery, such as it is
- clothes for tommorow in my bag, in case the airline decides my luggage wants to go to Mexico (oh, how i wish my body could go, too...)
- bills that need to be paid while in NC

i'm looking for a glasses case, so i can take off my glasses and sleep on the plane. i'm wearing the good luck pig. i don't need tolietries, as there will be plenty at home, and if i don't like what they have, it's easier to go out and get them there than take them with.

so... anyone think of anything i'm forgetting?

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