joyce (joyce) wrote,

So, it was Jeff's birthday Friday. He turned 43. His mom and I had already given him his presents awhile back - things for his car - but after dropping off mom at her conference, we got home and went out to Red Robin for dinner, which was tasty.

We spent much of Saturday cleaning and straightening, and Saturday night, jeni and her guy rolled in for a visit. There was hanging out and talking and a trip into town for Edward McKay and securing Udi's gluten-free hamburger and hot dog buns (verdict: very good) and Apples to Apples and a lot of good food (pad thai and hamburgers and hot dogs and Sunday breakfast and chili) and cake (the party's all on the inside: a chocolate layer, a vanilla layer, the best raspberry filing of your life). It was a good weekend.

This week, we've been enjoying the break in the weather, mostly.
Tags: ate soup, birthdays, jeni, social

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  • more later, but...

    PASSED. Two SUGGESTED but not required revisions. I have signed signature pages in my posession. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! :) :) :)

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