joyce (joyce) wrote,

So, I took mom to the zoo today. There is a great advantage to going to the zoo in 90 degree weather - most North Carolinians are staying home in their native habitat, the air conditioning. The zoo was not crowded at all. However, some of the animals were also hiding out, too. =/ Most of the animals in Africa were out on display, but the polar bears and otters - mom's two things she really wanted to see - were in. (Okay, the otter poked his head out for about 10 seconds.) We did spend some time in the birdhouse, our most favorite thing at the zoo, and the bobcats were out and making cute, so I was a happy camper. We saw baby baboons, and they were wrestling (omg, the cute, you guys). We did not get to feed the giraffes - the attendant said not to bother, that they weren't interested.

I failed at adult this morning and forgot sunscreen, so my face is feeling it.

Overall, it was a great day. :)

Next up on the list is the Natural Science Center of Greensboro, which the magical zoo membership1 gets us into for half price.

1. Individual plus (you, the individual, plus one guest into the NC Zoo) is $45 for a year. Last time I had it, I took me and mom to the zoo (high season, so $10 each), me in by myself a couple of times (8 or 10 each, depending on the season), me with Tonya and her wee one (ditto), me and Tonya into the Natural Science Center ($8 savings), me in for free at Woodlawn Park and Ginger for half price ($24.75 in savings), both of us in for free at Point Defiance ($27 in savings), and on the back of those tickets, buy-on-get-ones into Northwest Trek ($32 in savings). If you use them at all, zoo (and museum, etc.) memberships totally pay for themselves.
Tags: family:mom, zoo

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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