joyce (joyce) wrote,

One of the first things up on the list is gardening. :)

I want to try no-till gardening. That means that over this winter, I need to work on getting a good amount of compost built up.

I also need to figure out what we want to grow, when they need to get started, and whether we'll want to start from seeds or seedlings. Off the top of my head, I figure we'll want (eventually, we might not start with all this)...

- tomatoes
- onions
- garlic
- potatoes
- green peppers
- red peppers
- cucumbers
- eggplant
- zucchini
- yellow squash
- strawberries (I'd like to try everbearing or day neutral)
- raspberries
- blackberries
- blueberries
- spinach
- collards
- lettuce

- asparagus
- green beans
- baby watermelon
- cabbage, cauliflower, and broccoli

Anyone have suggestions for what's easiest to get started with?

Also, we think we want chickens. Which is going to take a lot of research.
Tags: garden, house

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