joyce (joyce) wrote,

So, we're moving today. I hadn't said anything about it online, because it was just too good an opportunity and I was afraid something would fall through, but, we pick up the keys at ten, I had an IM from the guy with the house yesterday saying that they were done and the house was newly cleaned and the carpets downstairs had been done, so, it seems that things are moving along.

It is raining outside, something that I've already whined about on Twitter and Facebook, so I might as well fuss here too. It was clear all day yesterday (and a good thing it was; we were building Jeff's mom new bed frame), and projected clear today (seriously, we don't know when the last time we saw the "sun" icon on WeatherFox was; it's been awhile), but now it's raining. What the hell is up with that?

Our internets are scheduled to be hooked up tomorrow, but until then, text/phone is best if anyone needs something. Wheee. :) I need to get dressed and make breakfast so we can pack up the last minute kitchen stuff. Pictures tomorrow! :)
Tags: moving

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