joyce (joyce) wrote,

I went looking for a nice dark colored button down shirt (brown or black, preferably brown) shirt today, and lost. Part of the problem is that I'd like to find ones made of the scrunchy, no wrinkle, stretchy fabric that I already have a couple of button downs in, but Penny's didn't have those in solid colors.

However, they did have ribbed tanks on sale for $6 that actually fit me, so, win. :) I need to get a big oversized guy's hoodie, and a pair of cargo shorts, and the aforementioned button down, and I'll be good on clothes again for awhile.
Tags: clothes

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

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    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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