My sinuses are annoyed with life and I woke up with a sore throat. Sigh. I really hope I haven't already picked up my first cold of the season.
Yesterday, we took the kids out in the drizzle to Guilford Courthouse, and poked around in the museum and looked at the artifacts and watched the educational films. T. thought it was great; P. was underwhelmed. I'm starting to decide that with the kids on any given activity, if one out of the two of them like it, we're doing well, so that's okay. The idea had been that we were going to tromp around outside afterwords and do the walking trail/nature trail thing, but parts of the party were not interested in doing so in the rain, and most of us were hungry, so we hit Earthfare for sandwiches and hot bar for lunch and came home. We'd talked vaguely about miniature golf for the afternoon's entertainment, but the other two adults took naps and I got roped into another game of Monopoly, and the rain picked up, and we became very glad that we weren't out golfing or hiking. It turned into a mellow evening; I sent M. and Jeff out to a bookstore for awhile and got some work done while the kids played Webkinz. We made burgers and hot dogs for dinner. I crashed early, feeling like I'd been run over by a truck (probably related to the pissy sinuses and sore throat, sigh).
It's been a lovely visit with them. They're packing up and headed back to Jersey this morning. Feh. Don't want them to. :) I teach this morning, then need to do office hours to make up for the ones I rescheduled Monday because of our visitors, then need to head by the co-op - we're out of sugar, for one thing, and need milk, and stuff - and then I'll come home and do some dishes and fall over, if I'm not feeling better. I think dinner is going to be pot pie, with various leftover meat bits from the week and corn and potatoes. :)