joyce (joyce) wrote,

It's getting to that point in the semester where I start to go a little insane.

And this semester it comes with a big case of the don't wannas. Sigh.

- teach 13 11 more times
- finish prep: March 20, 25, 27; April 1, 3, 15, 17, 22, 24, 29; May 1
- finish writing second test and post by March 25
- finish writing final and post by April 15
- finish writing ch 10 & 11 quiz
- write ch. 14 quiz
- write ch. 13 quiz
- write ch. 3 quiz
- write ch. 23 quiz
- write ch. 24 quiz
- copy off research activity; distribute in class
- grade quizzes: 10 & 11, 12, 14, 13, 3, 23, 24, 2
- grade test two
- grade reading reactions: 12, 14, 13, 3, 23, 24, 2
- grade finals
- turn in final grades

- finish revising the 101 manual

- grade stats homework as it comes in - currently at Wed set and Friday set
- remind stats kids about office hours before second test
- remind stats kids about office hours before final - schedule review session?
- grade book reviews

- put together Red Cross document for ind. study
- figure out what else needs to be done for IS; get coding work from IS sup. so it can get done
- clean up initial coding
- go pull RC files off of microfilm waiting on ILL

- find more summer work (interview either 4/3 or 4/8 for science camp)
- bug IS sup. about work in the fall - make sure that's still happening; summer work?

- email training program - got app emailed me. email recommender - where is letter?

- file federal taxes
- file state taxes

- file pink slip for thesis extension; pay for thesis extension
- email student health/ins. company about Aug/Sept. checks

- transcribe rel. minority dude
- transcribe local org #1
- transcribe local org #2
- transcribe local org #3
- transcribe local org #4
- code acc. chick
- code local org #0
- code rel minority dude
- code local org #1
- code local org #2
- code local org #3
- code local org #4
- meet with chair, Tuesday, 3/18, to figure out what's next
- try to schedule a couple more 1.5 men or older women
- start putting together skeleton draft of thesis

- figure out what needs to go on a poster for a conference
- prepare poster - get printed? how does this work? (ask chair about this)
- look at print shop's website and price poster printing
- prepare presentation - Powerpoint
- trial presentation - 4/7
- pack for conference
- go to conference. Try not to make fool of self.

- budget for SSSP
- figure out if going to SSSP
Tags: todo

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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