joyce (joyce) wrote,

not a resilient little petri dish

I have battled against the creeping crud, which is slowly making its way through the department and through campus (witness green undergrads hobbling out of the lecture hall as fast as they could and still maintain any decorum), and I have lost. I had to come in for 101 this morning, and thought I could get through class tonight, but ... that's not happening. I'm always advising undergrads to stay home and get some rest when they're not feeling well, and it's time I took my own advice. Jeff is swinging by and picking me up and I'm going to go home and sleep for about 24 hours. And drink lots of sprite. And not think about schoolwork.

  • (no subject)

    My independent study paper (27 pages of text, 2 of references, 9375 words) is turned in, four fracking days ahead of schedule. I rock. :)

  • (no subject)

    Last class of undergraduate degree: done. :)

  • (no subject)

    And moreover, I am not in the mood to read eleventy-gazillion pages on the legal issues surrounding jihad. Normally, I would be completely interested…

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