It was a lovely weekend, though. Saturday night was tacos and games with Hope and Kelly one of the cousins from Virgina. Sunday, we did a big cookout at my parents' with Kelly and my cousin Andrew and his parents who were in from Colorado. Too much good food, and more games - Settlers and Apples to Apples. Yesterday, Jeff and I watched a lot of Voyager, played Settlers, worked on his car, and just in general got in some nice time together, which was very nice.
My mental week is thrown off - is it Monday? Is it Tuesday? I've already been to campus today to drop off some movies and mail a book I sold on Amazon, and to try to get my hair cut, but the beauty school moved from its uber-convenient location right next to campus, as I discovered when I got there. It turns out the new location would have been easy enough to get to, but I had to come home and look at a map to confirm that, and I'm not going back out today. Getting shorn will wait a couple of days.
On the agenda for the rest of the day: housework, homework, and movie night. Oh, and ice cream. *nods firmly*