joyce (joyce) wrote,

- farmer's market
- library
- balance books
- make rolls, tortillas, meatballs
- complete thesis reading and handout for methods
- dig out stats notes from last semester so can tutor poor lost classmate who hasn't had stats yet
- complete own stats report for methods
- pack: clothes
- pack: everything else (don't forget knitting!)
- locate spare phone charger
- decide how many books and which books go on trip
- redo front of duster hem; make button loops; attach buttons
- clean up Mouse to take with; update Quicken db on Mouse; update music
- love on kittens and Jeff as much as possible
- housework
- go to office hours
- go to methods
- finish temp pool app
- buy Terrapass

This morning, I woke up to "yes, we'd probably be interested in you for our very lucrative very part time summer job, but you need to come in and interview between 10 and 12, because we have to have names today." I got up at 9:15. I was showered, nicely dressed, and sitting in the office in question by 10:30. More details on Monday, once they confirm that hiring myself and my buddy didn't break their budget. So, that was exciting. :) Otherwise, today was filled with things like helping Jeff fix the truck and mowing the lawn. It was a good day. However, I'm going to go fall over now.

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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