joyce (joyce) wrote,

This morning, I tripped down on the train to see artisanal_xara and her little one for the day. (Side note, I love taking the train. Even when it's 2 hours late getting home.) We ran errands, had Taco Bell for lunch, played with the baby, and just hung out. It was lovely to get to see her, and as a bonus, since the train was late, I got to visit with feebdaed a bit. We had called ahead to find out the train was running late for my return trip, so artisanal_xara dropped me off about 10 minutes before the new time, and sure enough, the train rolled in right, erhm, on schedule. (Amtrak may be dependably late, but they're often good at telling you just how late they're going to be. And it's usually only the evening train that's headed west that's really late.) Anyhow, it was a good day.

Jeff picked me up from the station, and we had frozen pizza and Voyager for dinner. I can't complain. :)

  • (no subject)

    Snort. I was just looking at my thesis, and after all the proofreading and other people proofreading and the fine tooth comb the school put it…

  • (no subject)

    Woot. I've made my formatting corrections (separate from the suggested revisions by my committee; formatting can keep me from graduating) and…

  • more later, but...

    PASSED. Two SUGGESTED but not required revisions. I have signed signature pages in my posession. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! :) :) :)

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