Pagasus, remixed: Like I said last week, I liked the remixed version of Pegasus much better than the originally aired version (which is on the season 2.0 discs.) In the longer version, the folks from Pegasus aren't drawn as complete OMG EVIL incarnate, especially Cain. They're bad, they're not what we've come to expect out of humanity from the people on the Gallatica, but neither are they walking around with horns and tails like they are in the shorter version. (Side note: have we met anyone yet from the Pegasus who isn't a flaming asshole? [case in point, the new nuggets in "Scar". I think Larry the crew chief might be the only non-ass we've met.]) The end bit, where Cain says something like "May the Gods help us all" as she's launching the vipers makes her much more human. I still hate her guts and think she got what she deserved, but she was a better drawn character in the long version.
I'd forgotten how much hope there is in this world when the Pegasus first turned up. These folks don't get to be happy for more than five minutes, do they?
Resurrection Ship I and II: nicely paced, nicely acted. The bits where Cain and Adama are plotting each other's demise were very well done. I don't have a problem believing that Roslin would order/advise such a thing - remember in the first season, when she lied to a cylon and then tried to push her out of an airlock (I think that was Pregnant!Sharon)? I didn't much care for Cain's funeral; they might have been safer from the Cylons with Cain around, but certainly not from each other. (Side note: I had seen a little random Cain/Starbuck slash online, that totally didn't make sense until I saw RS, and then it was totally believeable.)
Ephiphanies: Eh. They weren't going to kill Roslin; she's too involved in wherever this is going. I hope they play with the implications of her being saved through with little Cylon baby blood, but I doubt they will. (It'd be interesting to see what happens if word of that gets out to the fleet.)
Black Market: Eh. I didn't hate this nearly as much as lot of other folks online seem to have, but considering that in the last couple of years, Lee Adama has seen his brother die, his world anihilated, betrayed his father, and had a near death experience that he didn't want to come back from, did we need to invent Girl Angst on top of it? If there was going to be Girl Angst, there was plenty at hand to choose from already.
Scar: I loved the interactions with Kat and Starbuck, and how they're totally acting like two guys swinging their stuff around, and it seems completely natural in this world. This was much better than Black Market. But, did Starbuck need matching Boy Angst to go with Lee's Girl Angst? Feh. A lot more folks have talked about this much more eloquently than I already. I liked that Lee and Kyra stayed friends after the not-quite-sex.
Sacrifice: Ron Moore, you're on crack. Surely you can invent a better excuse for Starbuck to be running around in all black looking hot in front of a bunch of Marines. Is Adama really going to put both of his top pilots and two of his most senior officers on R&R at the same time?
Tigh, you're a moron.
And since when did Starbuck turning into such a sniveling mess? She was having issues in Scar but holding it together. Starbuck isn't going to fall apart with "I shot Lee," she's going to say "Shit, I shot Lee, there's a lot of blood, but I think he's okay, here's what we're going to do about it." I have problems believing she's this broken; they haven't shown us reason to think she is yet.
Why'd they kill off Billie? He was a nice guy who had no agenda other than to protect the President and get the girl, which was kind of refreshing in this universe. If they felt like they needed character death to make up for killing Roslin, surely there was someone else who would have made more sense?
They're having problems getting food and supplies and medical supplies to the fleet (according to "Black Market"), but there's a luxury lounge running on Cloud 9 for the cool kids to go play in?
What was up with the evil music of doom over Pregnant!Sharon at the end? Is she suddenly going to betray humanity because they expect her to? They've given her no reason to cooperate with them so far, but she has anyhow.
In sum: feh.
Dear fellow BSG freaks: it does get better (in the sense that things go back up to the quality of Season 1), doesn't it? Please? (I don't expect "better" in the sense of happy. These people are never going to get to be happy.)