joyce (joyce) wrote,

Weekend. Yea, there's been a weekend in here. Friday night, after the annoyance with the car battery, I went out with jeni and Huxley and one of the other bridesmaids for Jeni's wedding and her guy to M'Couls, where we ate some good food, drank entirely too much cider, worked on wedding plans, and checked out and then hired the wedding band. It was a good night. I got home late and slept like a load of bricks.

Yesterday we did our farmer's market thing in the morning. We watched some Next Gen. We took a glorious two hour nap in the afternoon ("I'm just going to lay down for a few minutes...") We watched some West Wing with dinner, which was some pretty amazing chicken soup. I worked on sewing squares together for the blankets that I'm finally making for Project Linus. We did some reading. I ran some laundry.

Today has been more of the same. We ran errands to Target and Deep Roots, and stuck our heads into our favorite used bookstore (where I scored 2 Mrs. Pollifax novels, The Last Juror, and A Darker Place for a total of $2.65. I win. I did not find the next of my immortal cyborg books, and I resisted many other bright shinnies.) We've watched some DS9. We've read. I've had a luxurious long bath. Dinner is scheduled to be salad, and I'm going to put together fruit salad and bread salad and egg bread for the week.

It's been a very lovely and contented weekend; I'm not even feeling grumpy about having to work tomorrow (I get to work through July. My checking account is thrilled.)

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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