Yesterday we did our farmer's market thing in the morning. We watched some Next Gen. We took a glorious two hour nap in the afternoon ("I'm just going to lay down for a few minutes...") We watched some West Wing with dinner, which was some pretty amazing chicken soup. I worked on sewing squares together for the blankets that I'm finally making for Project Linus. We did some reading. I ran some laundry.
Today has been more of the same. We ran errands to Target and Deep Roots, and stuck our heads into our favorite used bookstore (where I scored 2 Mrs. Pollifax novels, The Last Juror, and A Darker Place for a total of $2.65. I win. I did not find the next of my immortal cyborg books, and I resisted many other bright shinnies.) We've watched some DS9. We've read. I've had a luxurious long bath. Dinner is scheduled to be salad, and I'm going to put together fruit salad and bread salad and egg bread for the week.
It's been a very lovely and contented weekend; I'm not even feeling grumpy about having to work tomorrow (I get to work through July. My checking account is thrilled.)