average water consumption per day: 93.7 ounces
average fruit/vegetable consumption per day: 3.8 cups
number of sodas: 1
number of days with sweets eaten: 4
approximate calorie deficit for the week (approximate in that it's estimated via fitday, so things might be a little off): 4259 calories, or 1.2 pounds
Sunday: 30 minute walk
Monday: walk to school, walk home, 30 minutes swimming (a one way trip to school is about 1.6 miles and takes me about 35 minutes)
Tuesday: walk to school, walk home, 3.25 mile walk on the track at the gym, 30 crunches, 30 situps, 10 push-ups
Wednesday: walk to school
Thursday: 3.25 mile walk on the track at the gym, 30 crunches, 30 situps, 10 push-ups, 40 minutes of swimming with Jeff
Friday: 30 minutes on the stationary bike (hill, level 2), 30 crunches, 30 situps, 10 push-ups, walk home
Things I learned this week: That you do have to rest, and it's okay, on Friday morning, when you realize that you're really tired, and that there's a reason for that, to catch the bus to work and give your legs a break. I need to remember not to be too gung-ho about things and hurt myself.
Goals for this week: Get more protein, especially at lunch. Eat enough during the day that I'm not starving when I get home.