joyce (joyce) wrote,

To the folks running on the track at the gym,

As you might have noticed, I am walking. This means that I am slower than you. Unless something has changed in the last couple of days that I haven't noticed, I don't have eyes in the back of my head. Guess what? This means that I CAN'T SEE YOU TEARING AROUND THE CORNER, YOU MORON. It is YOUR responsibility not to run into me, not the other way around. Accidents will happen occasionally, but when there's all of 5 people on the track, is it really that much more work to give me three more inches of clearance? I wouldn't be so miffed if collisions and near-collisions didn't happen on a daily basis. If you're out running and getting exercise, is it really necessary to cut it as close to the inside wall (and the girl walking on the inside lane) as humanly possible? I'll stick to my inside lane, you stick to the outside lane, we'll both be happy. Understood?

ahem. no loves.

Tags: personal:whine, stupid_people

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    Snort. I was just looking at my thesis, and after all the proofreading and other people proofreading and the fine tooth comb the school put it…

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    Woot. I've made my formatting corrections (separate from the suggested revisions by my committee; formatting can keep me from graduating) and…

  • more later, but...

    PASSED. Two SUGGESTED but not required revisions. I have signed signature pages in my posession. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! :) :) :)

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  • (no subject)

    Snort. I was just looking at my thesis, and after all the proofreading and other people proofreading and the fine tooth comb the school put it…

  • (no subject)

    Woot. I've made my formatting corrections (separate from the suggested revisions by my committee; formatting can keep me from graduating) and…

  • more later, but...

    PASSED. Two SUGGESTED but not required revisions. I have signed signature pages in my posession. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT! :) :) :)