Thank you, virtual
1. Thank the person that tagged you.
2. List 5 random/strange/weird things about you.
3. Tag 5 other people.
I'm not so much with the tagging other people, but other folks want to play, I'll certainly read it. Hrm, five odd things about me...
1. I hate beans. I hate the smell, the texture, the taste, and the overall bean experience. I try to reason with myself, telling myself that beans result in good, cheap protein, that they're healthy, that they're a sustainable food source. That doesn't stop my gag reflex. :) I've never eaten beans, much to my mother's chagrin.
Green beans don't count, since they're not really beans. Though if I get the kind of green beans that actually have little beans inside them, I eat the green outside part and leave the beans. I can't eat chickpeas, but I love hummus.
2. I occasionally read cookbooks like novels.
3. I am incapable of eating without something else to distract me - a dvd, the computer, a book, conversation. If Jeff gets up for a minute while we're eating in front of a dvd, I'll grab a magazine. Idly eating bugs me.
4. I have problems picking favorites of anything. I'll quibble, saying "Well, I really like this, but oh wait, there's this, and this and this..."
5. This one isn't that strange, since I know quite a few folks with this issue, but I'm having problems thinking of things. I hate calling strangers on the phone. For example, Ginger and I used to spend more time deciding who would call the pizza place than what we wanted on our pizza. I love online pizza ordering. :)