joyce (joyce) wrote,

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I'd had to write an appeal letter (again) to get financial aid this coming semester, because I'm bordering on exceeding my allowable hours for my degree (that whole changing majors thing, you know.) I was starting to freak out a little bit, since I hadn't heard anything yet, but I logged in today to check it, and not only am I getting fiancial aid for both the fall and the spring, I'm getting grants. I've never seen grant money in my life. I'm beyond thrilled. There's still some loans, but not nearly as much. So, yay! :)
Tags: school:financialaid

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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