joyce (joyce) wrote,

him: "it's supposed to be 71 tomorrow."
me: "yes."
"it was 20 two weeks ago."
*giggles* "indeed."
"that's a fifty degree spread in two weeks!"
"yes. welcome to winter here."
"... whatever."
Tags: personal:silliness

  • (no subject)

    Also, we've coined a new word: dwerb, from dweeb and jerk. :)

  • (no subject)

    "... and caffiene-free diet doctor pepper. Okay, that's it." " ... " *giggles* "The look is, what's the point?" "Yea." "She likes the taste, but…

  • (no subject)

    "That looks like a dirt dauber." "A what?" "A dirt dauber." "... in Northern please?"

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