joyce (joyce) wrote,

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Visions in death / J.D. Robb - yon latest in her series of books about a homicide detective in the 2050's. this one was a nice, satisfying, non-heavy read. though, she's been dragging out themes lately - just how long have two of the main characters been preparing to move in together? two, three books?

1st to die / James Patterson - quick read (most of it in one day.) decent twist at the end. i'm not sure i'll bother with the rest of the series.

On the oceans of eternity / S. M. Stirling. - this book ate my brain last month. the third in a triology about what happens when the island of Nantucket is lifted back to 1350 BCE. a little too much war for me, but i was willing to read around that. :) i'm now waiting for Dies the Fire from the library, which is the first in a triology about what happens over here after said island-lifting. i'm really looking forward to it; i like what Stirling writes immensely. i need to get around to reading Conquistador.

Hawkes Harbor / S.E. Hinton - i'm still sorting out what i thought of this. it wasn't The Outsiders, certainly.

Uhara's Song / Janet Hagan - nice chewy Star Trek book about first contact, coming of age, and saving the universe (again). i enjoyed it quite a bit.

Ten Big Ones / Janet Evanovich - fluff. lots of fluff. good fluff, though. cars blow up. bounty hunters and cops flirt with each other. Grandma packs a gun. nothing out of the ordinary.

i'm still reading the doorstop. i also started Bleachers, by John Grisham, this morning, since i needed a book suitable to hauling around on the bus. which, alas, does not apply to the doorstop, and only marginally applies to my two textbooks.

Tags: books:booklist:monthly

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    Like a boss.

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    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

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    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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