joyce (joyce) wrote,

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so, i went over to State after work to make an appointment with the CHASS folks, thinking that was what i was going to have to do to get my change of curriculum form signed. i had transcripts and plans of study and stuff with me, just in case someone had time this afternoon. i'd been mentally wanting to put it off and not deal with it, which is precisely why i made myself do it today.

so i wander in and tell them i'm applying for readmittance and want to change to sociology, and i'm directed to someone in the back, and i go and find her and tell her the same thing, and she says "ok, do you have at least 28 hours and a 2.0?"

is this a trick question? "um, yes."

"okay, sit down" and she starts filling out the magic yellow slip. that was a hell of a lot easier than i expected.

after that, she sent me with that over to Page Hall to get the engineering folks to sign me off (amusing moment: in my hurry, i forgot where Page was. i spent the better part of a couple years at State practically living in Page.) i had to fill out an exit survey. then they sent me over to Withers to get my file. i got to the CSC office and tried the door before reading the big sign that they're closed on fridays. i kind of whimpered and muttered to myself i'm going to cry. and the door swung open. :) the nice lady that isn't Joyce Hatch pulled my stuff for me. i thanked her profusely and went back to the CHASS office, where the student services manager person gave me copies of stuff and sent me off the 1911 building to get assigned an advisor. the person who is supposed do that is gone until Tuesday, but that's fine; i need to go back to campus and talk to the financial aid folks.

so then it was all the way back across campus to Reg and Records, where i handed them the precious pieces of paper and my twenty-five dollars. and, um, that's that. for the moment. meep?

after that was the bank and library and the grocery store and a good long conversation with my sister, and a bus ride home. wheee. on the bus was a really hot chick, of the variety that you don't normally see on the buses around here, much less bringing home groceries on the bus. pity. :)

  • (no subject)

    Like a boss.

  • (no subject)

    Yuletide letter placeholder, ahoy!

  • (no subject)

    I did Not Prime Time this year, which made me actually write something for the first time since Yuletide. It was fun! It was also a lot more low key…

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